You may remember how apple has branded itself many times in the past with its clean, green, energy efficient image of long battery lives, smart production, and environmentally-conscious computers. The new macbook pro was advertised with images of green grass, blue skies, and bright sunshine in every Apple store, and they vowed to help recycle old computers. Well... they didn't quite cover all their bases on their green front; it turns out much of this effort was simply Greenwashing.
A report issued today by Greenpeace ranks tech companies by how "green" they are, based on an index that takes into account the kind of energy they use to power their data centers, manufacturing plants, and other facilities. Most of their energy use went into the data centers used to feed though all internet traffic used by Apple and its products, such as iTunes. As it turns out, a whopping two thirds of the energy for these data centers is provided by coal, arguably the dirtiest fuel used worldwide. The cleanest marks went to Google and Yahoo, who have made huge strides in making their data centers and operations more efficient.
We need companies to be smarter about their energy use. When you upload a video to Youtube, do you wanna feel guilty for adding more carbon emissions to the environment? Apple should take Facebook's lead, and disclose the information about their data centers, and start using more renewable energy, such as Solar Power, Wind, and Geothermal, to feed their huge hunger for energy. It's the responsible and smart thing to do, for the company that paints themselves as responsible, user-friendly, and efficient.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
It Turns out Apple isn't so Green After All...
data centers,
I remember when people payed a lot of attention to what Greenpeace was saying. Now it seems that everyone kind of ignores it.
It is no surprise this news. MegaCompanies don´t care about environment.
Greenpeace is in the same category as GLAAD and PETA. Media whore organisation who started out as a useful group but are now more interested in fighting cosmetic battles keeping their names in the media rather than providing their weight to battles to that could genuinely help with causes.
its always interesting to see what companies are doing behind their front.
Yes. a thumbs down for apple. Maybe people are starting to realize this company is cancer and are doing tests. THE DOWNFALL BEGINS
uh oh :P
Down with Apple!
Cool blog, check out mine too!
Apple make great products, but they are just another profit whoring corporation at the end of the day, just like everyone else. They don't care about you or the environment. No politician, government or corporation does. Always remember that.
They don't care as long as they manage to brainwash so many people into believing everything they say
As long as they can brainwash people into believing them, they won't care
dont care much
I read about this and it doesn't surprise. Apple is the new Microsoft.
That's a little stain on Apple's image. Lets wait and see what they have to say about this. Probably nothing though.
HP is a way cleaner company IIRC. Apple puts a lot of stuff in their laptops that aren't environmentally friendly and could be hazardous to consumers.
I think this is funny considering that Apple had an ad a while back saying their laptops are green because they have good batteries. Without increasing battery life in this year's Macbooks, it looks like the competition has started to catch up when it comes to battery life.
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